Animation | Squarebird | Graphic Design Agency Bristol



Move in the right direction.

Movement adds a new dimension to a website – engaging visitors and underscoring brand identity. A website incorporating premium quality animations can set you above the competition and help demonstrate your product or service in a clear, easy to understand way.

Our team of graphic designers have years of experience working with brands to develop animated icons to bring their websites to life. Adding movement to original illustrations can reflect your business offering, help you stand out in your industry, and subtly portray a variety of messages. Draw the eye and add personality to your site with bespoke animated visuals designed by our in-house team.

Original animation with Bristol graphic design agency.

From independent brands seeking a quirky look and feel, to complex businesses needing to simplify their offering and engage users, we work with businesses of all types to provide bespoke animations. Our designers combine years of experience with fresh, creative flair to deliver unique animations that can be fun and playful or clear, practical, and demonstrative. Whatever your requirements, we can help give your website some smooth moves.

How can we help you?

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